Create Meaningful IEPS for Students with Autism

Finally, a book written by someone who has been there and done that!

Students with autism have specific needs and learning styles that can challenge even the most experienced teachers. Written from the perspective of a mother and a special education teacher, this book will give you the easy to read, down to earth, common sense advice that you need!

Learn what, why and how to create a meaningful education for a student with autism based on sound science and plenty of real life experience.

What’s inside:

  • What Does Autism Spectrum Disorder Look Like in the Classroom?
  • How Do I Teach this Kid?
  • Is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Really that Important?
  • Developing The Blueprint
  • Creating Specific Performance Objectives
  • Integrating a Transition Plan
  • The Role of Parents
  • Communication – The Key to Success
  • The Gold Standard: What We Are Working Toward?

And there's more! 

  • A comprehensive account of what autism might look like in the classroom and practical strategies about how we can teach to these core deficits
  • A whole section that is devoted to creating truly effective transition plans
  • A document that helps you to plan before an IEP meeting to make sure that your input is relevant  and constructive
  • Detailed checklists that will keep you on track during an IEP meeting and during transition planning and ensure that the students needs are not overlooked
  • Sample forms for data collection and skill tracking

Books are available in soft-cover or e-book format. E-book file downloads are in PDF file format. EPUB and MOBI files are available by request.


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