Help I'm Drowning! You CAN Help

“I feel like I am drowning.

I don’t even know what I am expecting out of this conversation, I’m just a little desperate for someone to understand because I feel like I am failing.”

Gut punch.

A young mother’s words hurl me back in time to the very same emotions – self doubt and overwhelm verging on the cliff of despair.

Parenting is difficult. But for parents of kids living with neurodivergent minds, the challenges come with an added intensity, duration and complexity. The solutions are rarely straightforward and all too often outside observers are quick to offer opinions, advice and wisdom that may be well meaning (and sometimes not) but for many reasons, it is either unhelpful or destructive.  

Problem behaviours rear their heads like a game of Hungry Hippo. But these hippos aren’t cute like they are in the game. They cannot be pushed back down with a simple tap on the head. Unexpected aggression towards self and others, intense meltdowns and a chronic state of flight or flight ...

Help a Child with Autism Cope and Grow in the Pandemic


We are living in a prime time to teach and learn in real time HOW to COPE and GROW through adversity.  Learn what skills you can be intentionally modelling and practicing so that all children, including those with autism, develop healthy coping and resilience skills that will serve them for their lifetime.


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